Journal Publishing Guide: Learning OJS 3
Take advantage of these free resources by the Public Knowledge Project to help you learn the Open Journal Systems that powers this journal publishing platform.
Tutorials from PKP School:
Setting up a Journal in OJS 3.3 - free PKP School Course | YouTube video playlist
Editorial Workflow in OJS 3.3 - free PKP School Course | YouTube video playlist
Becoming an Editor
Becoming a Reviewer
Writing for Publication
User guides and documentation:
Learning OJS 3.3: A Visual Guide to Open Journal Systems -- a concise textual guide with plenty of screenshots, covering OJS website set up and administration, editorial workflow management, and site statistics import & export
PKP documentation website -- an all-inclusive guide website for journal publishers and OJS system administrators, periodically updated by information professionals, latest updates including Crossref and DOIs Guide and EU General Data Protection Regulation Guide
PKP Community Forum - questions and troubleshooting forum for all OJS users, facilitating keyword searching across the site
Testing environment:
OJS 3 demo is a PKP-hosted testing environment where you can test-drive and learn OJS 3 without making changes to your live journal.